3 am

I was walking down the narrow sidewalk when I saw the car with the creepy tinted windows behind me. I didn’t think much of it, even though it was 3 in the morning and at this time you would think seeing a car was rare. There was not a single soul outside, I shouldn’t be either. You see, after work I had gone out with some friends, I was only planning on staying for an hour or so but soon that hour turned into another, and then another, until it was 2 am. As I realized it was getting late, and that I had work again tomorrow, I grabbed my jacket and rushed out. I rushed to the nearest bus station and as soon as the bus pulled up, I walked in all the way to the back. I leaned my head against the window and I didn’t know I had fallen asleep until the bus abruptly stopped and the bus drivers shrill voice said that this was the last stop. I stumbled off, hazy from having fallen asleep. I had missed my stop and that’s how I found myself here: walking around in a  dark neighbourhood. The houses lining the streets were old, the paint chipping and with broken windows. I was wide awake now, aware of my surroundings, aware of every small noise. The wind was loud and eerily whistling around me. When I felt the first drop of rain, I looked up to the sky, just to be hit with a fast down pour of water. At this point I started walking faster and faster. I heard the sound of tires hitting the wet cement and turned around, seeing the car parked right beside the sidewalk. When did it get so close? I turned around to go the other way because I didn’t know where I was heading and right now I just needed to see light that wasn’t from the headlights of the car. I heard the tires again and I didn’t turn around this time. This time, I started running. My feet were slapping the pavement loudly, and the rain was falling down faster then ever, blurring my vision. The sound of the car was getting louder, I just needed to get out of here. I hadn’t realized that my jacket was still slung over one arm, the sleeves grazing the sidewalk as I ran. I only became aware of my jacket when I tripped over the sleeve and managed to catch myself before face planting the sidewalk. I breathed out loudly and got up. As I stood up, the headlights of the car in front of me blinded my eyes. I opened my mouth to scream, to say something, anything, but nothing came out. I decided I had to act fast, I turned around and started running back where I came from. I pretended like I just imagined the sound of tires getting closer and closer. I could see the bright lights of the car coming up close behind but I kept running. I ran until all I could hear was the sound of my feet hitting the ground. No car tires, no wind, no nothing. I slowed down and let out a shaky gasp. Should I turn to see if the mysterious car was still following? I could not hear a thing, everything became silent so fast that I thought the car was surely gone. With these thoughts running through my mind I didn’t see what was waiting ahead for me. I let out a loud scream when I saw it, and then everything turned black.

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